Often women start to pay attention to the prevention of their gynecological health only when there are symptoms of a problem. Regular prevention Ob/Gyn examinations are a significant factor for early detection of diseases, and they increase the chances for successful treatment. In practice, prophylaxis on time saves lives. This is the philosophy of the Ob/Gyn preventions sector in Dr. Shterev Hospital.

To encourage the women towards small steps to happy and healthy lives, the specialized gynecological and mammology prophylaxis cabinets offer prevention programs for their heartiness. Amongst them, our special attention is on the special packages for yearly prophylaxis with different range of screening, focused on the prevention of cervical cancer.

Gynecological Prevention

Video: Gynecological and mammographic prophylactic at Dr. Shterev Hospital

Prevention saves lives! This is the credo of the Preventive Medicine Sector at Dr. Shterev Hospital. To underline the importance of medical prevention for women’s health, we created an exclusive video in which we present essential aspects of gynecological and mammalogical prophylactic care. Watch the video to learn about the latest trends in female prophylaxis, and remember that your health is in your hands.
