Rights and obligations of the patient


Dr. Shterev Hospital performs its diagnostic and healing functions with priority respect for the rights of patients and, above all, protection of their human dignity.
Every patient who has asked for medical help at Dr. Shterev Hospital


1. To get timely, sufficient and quality medical care, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religious beliefs and cultural level.

2. To know the names of the doctor and the nurse/midwife taking care of him/her.

3. To be informed of the condition and the expected treatment results and the meaning of the necessary examinations.

4. To accept or reject the proposed examinations and treatment, to be informed about existing alternatives for diagnosis and treatment and freedom of choice between them.
The patient may use the right of refusal of the proposed treatment within the laws in the country after being informed of the negative health consequences of such rejection.

5. To be promptly examined and treated by approved healing methods and equipment, and the accompanying care to be applied with the necessary skill, attention and respect.

6. To ensure the secrecy of his/her illness.

7. To benefit from the support of family, relatives and friends during treatment.

8. To be informed with the costs of its treatment.

9. A health education that includes information on healthy lifestyles, prophylactic and early detection methods. The personal responsibility of the patient for his/her health is essential.

10. To be familiar with his/her duties as a patient.

11. To complain to higher courts when his/her rights as set out in this Rights and obligations of the patient document are violated.

If the patient is in a condition that limits his or her ability to understand this information, or when it is medically undesirable to provide such information, he or she is provided with a caregiver or legal representative.

This document has been prepared on the basis of the recommendations of the World Medical Association and is strictly adhered to by the team of Dr. Shterev Hospital.


at Dr. Shterev Hospital:

1. The patient is obliged to treat the doctor and other representatives of the medical staff with respect.

2. The patient has personal responsibility for his health, respects a healthy lifestyle and does not intentionally damage his health.

3. To share with the doctor everything about the illness without hiding information that is important for proper diagnosis, preparation of an appropriate treatment plan, and medical intervention.

4. Actively to assist the medical care providers during the healing and recovery process.

5. Strictly to adhere to his prescribed regimen and treatment in order with the maintenance, preservation, strengthening and restoration of his health.

6. When refusing his prescribed treatment, the patient himself is responsible for the consequences.

7. To observe the established internal rules in SAGBAL "Dr. Shterev" EOOD while conducting his treatment.
