Issuance of sick leaves
Issuance of sick leaves
What are the documents you need to submit in order to be issued sick leaves?
The issue of a sick leave requires an outpatient ID card (LAC) and a declaration (received from the registry of the medical establishment), filled with up-to-date data - an ID card, address.
For the correct completion of the documentation, please indicate the name of your employer, with the address of the head office as is it in the business register, and what your correct position in the company is.
It is important to know that sick leaves are only issued AFTER appointment by your doctor. Continuation of sick leaves is NOT issued "automatically", but after mandatory confirmation by the attending physician.
Information about sick leaves and how to get them:
Information on the issue of sick leaves is only provided by the Medical Documentation Department.
Sick leaves and pregnancy and paternity certificates are received every working day from 2 pm to 5 pm from the Medical Documentation Department on the 3rd floor of the hospital.
The ready sick leaves of hospitalized patients are received on the second business day after discharge.
When requesting to receive sick leaves by courier, please note that the shipment is at the expense of the recipient.