Hospital discharge
You will be informed in advance by your attending doctor about when you will be discharged. At your request, your relatives will also be notified. There are some medical criteria for releasing from the hospital - good general condition, lack of fever, lack of significant subjective complaints, etc.
You will receive your epicrisis and, if necessary, a prescription for medicines to continue your home treatment on the day of discharge or as soon as the result of the histological examination is complete, if there is any. Dates for upcoming control examinations will be set, and you will be given instructions on how to maintain your diet and exercise program.
If you insist on leaving the hospital before the full course of treatment, you must sign a document of personal responsibility for your health.
Issuance of sick leave is under the Ordinance on the medical expertise on working capacity, within one day after discharge.
Upon issue of the sick leave you need to provide the following documents and information:
• name and address by an identity card, workplace and work address, occupied position
• personal ambulatory card, with details about issued previous hospital sheets
• to fill in the hospital with a declaration on a form provided by an employee of the hospital filling the hospital sheet