Consulting reproductive problem step by step

Get to know what are the steps for consulting your infertility problem in Dr. Shterev Hospital.

Step 1: Choose your doctor
Information for our Ob/Gyn specialists is available here.

Step 2: Book your appointment.
It may happen through one of those:

phone call to +359 2 920 09 01
online: Viber and Facebook Messenger
At the hospital: Sofia, 25-31 Hristo Blagoev str.

Although the hospital works 24/7, the initial consultation can be booked only between Monday to Friday following the official working schedule of the chosen reproductive specialist.

Step 3: Prepare
Bring the medical records of both partners with you at the first consultation.

Step 4: When you come
Come 10 minutes before the booked appointment. Register at the central registration desk on the first floor of the hospital’s central building. The medical secretaries guide you to the doctor’s cabinet.

Your first consultation includes recording the complete medical history of both partners, including previous examinations, chronic diseases, risk factors. The doctor discusses with you the treatment plan and if necessary, additional tests.

The initial examinations may includes:
- Gynecological examination
- Ultrasound examination
- Hormone testing
- Spermogram for the partner
- Hysterosalpingography - a procedure for visualization and investigation the passability of the fallopian tubes
- Microbiology
- PAP test
- Sexually transmitted infection test, etc.

Video: Our reproductive specialists

They are behind you on the thought path to the dreamed baby. They struggle tirelessly to create a new life. The bring joy to our patients. They are our Ob/Gyn and reproductive specialists. Watch the exclusive video created about them with gratitude for their dedicated work and noble mission to help the couples to feel the greatest family joy - the sound of baby’s laughter in their home.

Consulting reproductive problem - resume

Infertility affects both partners, and their shared participation in the treatment is crucial. But when a team of experienced and trusted specialist supports their efforts, the chances for success increase significantly. Give a chance to your dream for a baby!

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