Д-р Ралица Милчева
Акушер-гинеколог, Проследяване на бременност и раждане
Медицински комплекс „Д-р Щерев”
ул. „Христо Благоев“ №25-31, ж.к. „Разсадника“, гр. София
02 920 0901
Акушер-гинеколог, Проследяване на бременност и раждане
Медицински комплекс „Д-р Щерев”
ул. „Христо Благоев“ №25-31, ж.к. „Разсадника“, гр. София
02 920 0901
Проследяване на бременност
Гинекологична профилактика
Репродуктивна медицина
Специалистите на Медицински комплекс „Д-р Щерев“ са по-близо до вас!
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They are behind you on the thought path to the dreamed baby. They struggle tirelessly to create a new life. The bring joy to our patients. They are our Ob/Gyn and reproductive specialists. Watch the exclusive video created about them with gratitude for their dedicated work and noble mission to help the couples to feel the greatest family joy - the sound of baby’s laughter in their home.
Childbirth is a sacrament, a miracle, a mission! This is how the Ob/Gyn specialists in Dr. Shterev Hospital see it. Watch our exclusive video to know what is the feeling to take the new lie in your hands and to hear the cry of a newly born baby.
Watch the emotional video for the celebration, in which you will see the reactions of the physicians, embryologists, biologists and midwives of the meeting with the children, born with their efforts. We want to thank all our patients for sincere greetings!