Доц. Иван Бочев, дб

Доц. Иван Бочев, дб

Ембриолог в Медицински комплекс „Д-р Щерев“

Медицински комплекс „Д-р Щерев”
ул. „Христо Благоев“ №25-31, ж.к. „Разсадника“, гр. София
02 920 0901

Доц. Иван Бочев работи като биолог-ембриолог в Медицински комплекс „Д-р Щерев“ от 2010 г., като през същата година има основно участие в успешното въвеждане на метода MACS (magnetic-activated cell sorting) в практиката на болницата. Целта на метода е да се увеличат шансовете за успеваемост при АРТ процедури чрез изолиране на сперматозоидите с ниска оплодителна способност и подбор на такива с високи шансове за оплождане.

Завършва СУ „Св. Климент Охридски” с бакалавърска степен по молекулярна биология и магистратура по биохимия към същия университет. През 2009 г. получава образователна и научна степен „Доктор по имунология” към ИБИР–БАН. Темата на дисертацията му е „Сравнителни изследвания върху имуномодулиращата активност на човешки мезенхимни стволови клетки, изолирани от различни източници”.

Научни публикации
• Chaushev T., Bochev I., Lolov S.,  Kyurkchiev S. INTERACTION BETWEEN AGE- BINDING PROTEINS AND S100A13. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 57, № 12, 2004, pp. 109-116
• И.Бочев, ПЛАСТИЧНОСТ НА СТВОЛОВИТЕ КЛЕТКИ. Репродуктивно здраве 2005, 11: 11-17
• Bochev I., Kyurkchiev D., Tivchev P., Tzvetanov L., Kyurkchiev S. ISOLATION AND IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY OF BONE-MARROW MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 59, № 7, 2006, pp. 775-780
• И. Бочев, Д. Кюркчиев, Л. Цветанов, И. Алтънкова, П. Тивчев, С. Кюркчиев. Характеристика на човешки мезенхимни стволови клетки, изолирани от мастна тъкан. Съвременна медицина 2008, 59:29-36
• Bochev, G. Elmadjian, D. Kyurkchiev, L. Tzvetanov, I. Altankova, P. Tivchev, S. Kyurkchiev. Mesenchymal stem cells from human bone marrow or adipose tissue differently modulate mitogen-stimulated B-cell immunoglobulin production in vitro. Cell Biol Int. 2008 Apr; 32(4):384-93
• E. Ivanova-Todorova, M. Mourdjeva, D. Kyurkchiev,  I. Bochev,  E. Stoyanova,  R. Dimitrov, T. Timeva, M. Yunakova, D. Bukarev, A. Shterev, P. Tivchev, S. Kyurkchiev. HLA-G expression is up-regulated by progesterone in mesenchymal stem cells. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 2009 Jul; 62(1):25-33.     
• И. Бочев, Д. Кюркчиев, Е. Иванова – Тодорова, П. Тивчев, И. Алтънкова, С. Кюркчиев. Мезенхимни стволови клетки, изолирани от костен мозък, повлияват експресията на CD69 от моноцити. Съвременна медицина. 2009, 60(1-2):44-49.
• S. Kestendjieva, Z. Popova, G. Cvetkova, I. Bochev, I. Kehayov, S. Kyurkchiev, M. Mourdjeva. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Conditioned Media Supports the Growth of Umbilical Cord Blood Isolated Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 62, № 6, 2009, pp. 739-744.
• E. Ivanova-Todorova, I. Bochev, M. Mourdjeva, R. Dimitrov, D. Bukarev, S. Kyurkchiev, P. Tivchev, I. Altunkova, D. Kyurkchiev. Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells are more potent suppressors of dendritic cells differentiation compared to bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Immunology Letters. 2009 September; 126(1-2):37-42.
• Bochev, S. Kyurkchiev. Immunomodulatory effects of human bone marrow or adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells on T-helper cell cytokine production in vitro. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 62, № 12, 2009, pp. 1553-1558
• M. Mourdjeva, E. Ivanova-Todorova, D. Kyurkchiev, I. Bochev, E. Stoyanova, R. Dimitrov, S. Kyurkchiev. Progesterone enhances the HLA-G expression in mesenchymal stem cells. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 62, № 12, 2009, pp. 1559-1566.
• S. Kestendjieva, Z. Popova, G. Cvetkova, I. Bochev, I. Kehayov, S. Kyurkchiev, M. Mourdjeva. Different effects of conditioned medium samples from mesenchymal stem cells (CM-MSC) isolated from different sources. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 63, № 1, 2010, pp. 97-104

Публикации на научни конференции
• Chaushev T.A., Bochev I., M., Kehajov I.R., Kyurkchiev S.D. Immunodetection of NOVH in cell lysates prepared from prostate adenomas. II National Congress of Immunology, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2003, 128.
• Chaushev T.A., Bochev I., M., Kehajov I.R., Kyurkchiev S.D. Interaction between advanced glycated end products protein and S100 family Ca2+ binding protein – S100A13. II National Congress of Immunology, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2003, 137.
• Chaushev T.A., Bochev I., M., Kehajov I.R., Kyurkchiev S.D. Immunodetection of CCN3 in cell lysates and biological fluids from reproductive system.  10th Jubilee International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, September 4-6, 2003, 109.
• Chaushev T.A., Bochev I., M., Kyurkchiev S.D., Perbal B. Immunodetection of CCN3 (NOVH) in cells and biological fluids from reproductive system. 4th Balkan Congress of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 5-8, 2004. Turkish Journal of Immunology, Volume 9, Number 2, Supplement, 2004, page 197.
• Bochev I., Kyurkchiev D., Tivchev P., Tzvetanov L., Kyurkchiev S. Isolation and immunomodulatory activity of bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells. 11th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, June 2-4, 2006, 94.
• Bochev I., Kyurkchiev D., Tzvetanov L., Altankova I., Tivchev P., Kyurkchiev S. Human mesenchymal stem cells modulate the activation of peripheral blood lymphocytes and monocytes. 3rd National Congress of Immunology, Varna, Bulgaria, May 8 – 11, 2008. Abstract book, p-10.
• Bochev I. Immunomodulatory activity of mesenchymal stem cells. Scientific session dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23 October, 2008.
• E. Ivanova-Todorova, D. Kyurkchiev, M. Mourdjeva, R. Dimitrov, I. Bochev,  E. Stoyanova,  T. Timeva, M. Yunakova, A. Shterev, S. Kyurkchiev. Detection of progesterone induced blocking factor in pre-decidual multipotent stromal cells. 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, June 25-27, 2009, 96.
• M. Mourdjeva, E. Ivanova-Todorova, D. Kyurkchiev, I. Bochev, E. Stoyanova, R. Dimitrov, T. Timeva, M. Yunakova, A. Shterev, S. Kyurkchiev. HLA-G expression in mesenchymal stem cells. 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, June 25-27, 2009, 97.
• E. Ivanova-Todorova, I. Bochev,  D. Bukarev, D. Kyurkchiev. Mesenchymal stem cells influence some properties of monocyte derived dendritic cells. 12th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction, Varna, Bulgaria, June 25-27, 2009, 103.
• S. Kyurkchiev, R. Dimitrov, E. Ivanova-Todorova, D. Kyurkchiev, M. Murdjeva, I. Bochev, E. Stoyanova, A. Shterev, T. Timeva, M. Yunakova. Progesterone up-regulates the expression of HLA-G in mesenchymal stem cells in human endometrium. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28 June – 1 July, 2009. Human Reproduction, Volume 24, Supplement 1, 2009: Abstract Book, i171.
• I.M. Bochev, M. Mourdjeva, E. Ivanova-Todorova, D. Kyurkchiev, E. Stoyanova, R. Dimitrov, T. Timeva, M. Yunakova, A. Shterev, S. Kyurkchiev. Higher expression of HLA-G is detected in mesenchymal stem cells cultured with progesterone. 7th European Congress on Reproductive Immunology, Marathon, Greece, 17-20 September 2009. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, Volume 81, Issue 2, September 2009, Page 142.
• E. Ivanova-Todorova, D. Kyurkchiev, M. Mourdjeva, R. Dimitrov, I. Bochev, E. Stoyanova, T. Timeva, M. Yunakova, A. Shterev, S. Kyurkchiev. Detection of progesterone induced blocking factor in pre-decidual multipotent stromal cells. 7th European Congress on Reproductive Immunology, Marathon, Greece, 17-20 September 2009. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, Volume 81, Issue 2, September 2009, Page 152.
• Bochev, S. Kyurkchiev, A. Shterev. Positive effect of the magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) on sperm motility in men with astheno/oligo-asthenozoospermia. 12th National Congress of Infertility, Contraception, Hormone Replacement Therapy and Gynaecological Endoscopy, Borovets, Bulgaria, 17-20 March 2011. Репродуктивно здраве 2011, 19: 46-47.
• Bochev, P. Gavrilov, S. Kyurkchiev, A. Shterev. Sperm motility improvement after magnetic-activated cell sorting in men with astheno/oligo-asthenozoospermia. 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-6 July 2011. Human Reproduction, Volume 26, Supplement 1, 2011: Abstract Book, i133.
• Антонов, Б., М. Мурджева, И. Бочев, Л. Цветанов, П. Кинов и С. Кюркчиев. Имуномодулиращ ефект на човешки мезенхимни стволови клетки. Научна конференция по ревматология с междунарoдно участие, Комплекс Риу Правец, Правец, 19 – 22 октомври 2011, Ревматология, № 3, 2011, стр. 11.
• Н. Манолова, Е. Стоянова, И. Бочев, К. Белемезова, М. Стаменова, Д. Янакиев, М. Мурджева, С. Кюркчиев. Понижена in vitro децидуализация на човешки ендометриални стромални клетки в присъствие на ендометриозна перитонеална течност. Девета национална конференция по медицинска биология, Плевен, 21-23 октомври 2011. Abstract Book, стр. 50.
• Milena Mourdjeva, Tsvetelina Oreshkova, Ivan Bochev, Kalina Belemezova, Stanimir Kyurkchiev, Iskra Altankova. Prostate cancer cell line PC3 proliferation is delayed by bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells. 8th National Congress of Oncology, Boyana Residence, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10-13 November 2011. Abstract Book, 150.

Изследователски проекти
• Distribution of CCN3 in biological fluids and cells from reproductive system, Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2004-2007.
• Assessment of the immunomodulating activity of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from various sources, Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2006-2008.

Членство в съсловни организации
Член е на Европейската асоциация за репродукция и ембриология (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology-ESHRE)
Член е на Българската асоциация по стерилитет и репродуктивно здраве (БАСРЗ).
Член на Съюза на учените в България.



Основните му научни интереси са в областта на молекулярната имунология и биология, биохимията, биология на стволовите клетки, ембриологията.

Video: Our biologists and embryologists

Watch the emotional story about the honorable and inspirational profession of the “composers” of joy - the biologists and embryologists in Dr. Shterev Hospital.

Video: Annunciation in Dr. Shterev Hospital

Watch the emotional video for the celebration, in which you will see the reactions of the physicians, embryologists, biologists and midwives of the meeting with the children, born with their efforts. We want to thank all our patients for sincere greetings!


Video: The history of IVF in Bulgaria

Watch the emotional story of Prof. Atanas Shterev and other representatives of Dr. Shterev Hospital team about the development of the IVF method for infertility treatment in Bulgaria.

Embryologists and biologists