Dimitar Barov

Dimitar Barov

Senior embryologist

Dr. Shterev Hospital
25-31 Hristo Blagoev str., Razsadnika District, Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +3592 920 09 01

Dimitar Barov is amongst the pioneers of the IVF in Bulgaria.


Video: Our biologists and embryologists

Watch the emotional story about the honorable and inspirational profession of the “composers” of joy - the biologists and embryologists in Dr. Shterev Hospital.

Video: Annunciation in Dr. Shterev Hospital

Watch the emotional video for the celebration, in which you will see the reactions of the physicians, embryologists, biologists and midwives of the meeting with the children, born with their efforts. We want to thank all our patients for sincere greetings!


Video: The history of IVF in Bulgaria

Watch the emotional story of Prof. Atanas Shterev and other representatives of Dr. Shterev Hospital team about the development of the IVF method for infertility treatment in Bulgaria.

Embryologists and biologists