
LEI - accents

- The Local Endometrial Injury (LEI) is a technique for improving the thickness of the uterine endometrium, aiming successful embryo implantation after IVF/ICSI procedure.

- When performed, LEI can increase the thickness of the endometrium with up to 30%.

- See below for our exclusive video for the techniques which increase IVF success rates

Local Endometrial Injury (LEI)

What is LEI?
The Local Endometrial Injury (LEI) is a technique for improving the thickness of the uterine endometrium, aiming successful embryo implantation after IVF/ICSI procedure. It is applied before the last menstrual cycle, after which is the ART procedure. The method includes a painless insertion of a very thin catheter in the uterus under ultrasound observation. The actual effect is after the next menstrual cycle when the endometrium is up to 30% thicker. LEI provokes the endometrial growth in the next monthly cycle when the embryo transfer is planned.

How LEI helps?
During the month and under the hormones influence the endometrium goes through some normal changes. Clinical researches show that the thickness and the structure of the endometrium are of great importance for the result of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART). LEI means removing parts of the endometrium via thin scratches, which stimulates the natural tissue growth factors.

When is required?
Local Endometrial Injure is applied in cases of:
- Thin endometrium
- To all patients with planned ART procedure for improving the receptivity of the endometrium

Techniques for increasing the success rate in IVF - contact us

The composers of joy - here you can meet the embryologists and biologists of Dr. Shterev Hospital. Every day they apply the highly specialized techniques which increase the chances for success of the couples with reproductive problems.

Book your appointment with a reproductive specialist via a phone call to +359 2 920 09 01 or via our digital communication channels - website, Viber, Facebook Messenger.

Video: Techniques for increasing the success rate in IVF

Watch our cartoon video, in which brightly and funnily we will introduce you to the high-tech procedures, implemented in Dr. Shterev Hospital. You will learn about the additional techniques and methods, which increase the success in ART. You will also learn when and why we execute them.

Video: The joy we create

Watch the video to learn how the complex names of the different IVF lab techniques transform into the most significant celebration to our patients.

Techniques for increasing the success rate in IVF - resume

For more than 30 years the team of Dr. Shterev Hospital has been helping thousands of women and couples to feel the greatest joy - to hear the laughter of their baby. In the last years, the success rate in couples with different types of infertility has increased significantly. The main reason for this increase is the application of most modern additional techniques, which help in cases where nature cannot succeed.

Additional IVF Techniques