
Halo test - accents

- In Dr. Shterev Hospital the Sperm Chromatin Dispersion is used to determine the percentage of DNA fragmented sperm cells.

- This test is particularly useful in cases of unexplained infertility because 25% of men with normal results from spermogram have a higher percentage of DNA fragmented sperm cells.

- The preliminary booking of appointment is mandatory for performing Halosperm test.

Halosperm test of DNA fragmentation

What is Halosperm test?
Sperm DNA fragmentation test, which observes chromatin structural integrity in sperm cells, provides additional information to the standard examination - spermogram. It has a significant diagnostic and prognostic value in assessing male infertility.
The higher percentage of DNA fragmented cells is connected to:
• a longer period needed for natural conceiving
• more difficult to achieve pregnancy via assisted reproductive techniques (IVF/ICSI)
• more frequent miscarriages

In Dr. Shterev Hospital the Sperm Chromatin Dispersion (SCD), known as Halosperm test, is used to determine the percentage of DNA fragmented sperm cells. The main advantage of this test over other types of DNA fragmentation examination is that this test is invented especially for sperm analysis and also has only one practical protocol, which means the test has a very clear standard.

Halosperm test is particularly useful in cases of unexplained infertility because 25% of men with normal results from spermogram have a higher percentage of DNA fragmented sperm cells. And with DNA fragmentation more than 30% the chances for pregnancy (natural conceiving or through assisted reproductive techniques) is lower than 1%.

When is required?
The DNA fragmentation sperm test is required in:
• Unexplained infertility
• Repeated failures with assisted reproductive techniques
• Frequent miscarriages after natural conceiving or after ART
• Varicocele (enlargement of the veins in the scrotum)
• Severe fever in the last 3 months
• Previous chemo- or radiotherapy
• Men over 45 years old

The integrity of sperm DNA rarely turns to normal values spontaneously. When there is a higher percentage of DNA fragmentation, anti-inflammatory treatment is required, and also antioxidant therapy for 3 to 6 months, change of lifestyle. When the higher rate is due to varicocele, the recommendation is for surgical treatment.

Do I need to book an appointment?
The preliminary booking of appointment is mandatory for performing Halosperm test.

Special fertility tests - contact us

Meet the reproductive specialists from Dr. Shterev Hospital who help every day their patients in the struggle for a baby.

Book your appointment with a reproductive specialist via a phone call to 02 920 0901 or through our digital communication channels - website, Viber, Facebook Messenger.

Video: Medical care for dads

In Dr. Shterev Hospital we care for the reproductive health of the future dads. Because of that, we decided to make an exclusive video about our Andrology Sector, and Seminological Laboratory. There the andrologists, and the biologists implement modern methods and procedures for treating male infertility. Get to know with their work from the interviews with Dr. Juriy Bachvarov, and the biologist Desislava Dyulgerova-Nikolva.

Video: Our biologists and embryologists

Watch the emotional story about the honorable and inspirational profession of the “composers” of joy - the biologists and embryologists in Dr. Shterev Hospital.

Special fertility tests - resume

Dr. Shterev Hospital team has more than 30 years of experience in the field of assisted reproductive techniques. For that period, the specialists managed to help thousands of women and couples to feel the greater joy - the happy laughter of their one baby. More than 10 000 are the children born after different assisted reproductive techniques and modern laboratory methods for infertility treatment, applied by all the gynecologists, embryologists, and biologists in Dr. Shterev Hospital.

Special fertility tests