Semen analysis (Spermogram) - accents
- The quality of the semen is determined by semen analysis.
- According to the method, there are two types of semen analysis - conventional and computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA).
- Since 2010 Dr. Shterev Hospital provides Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) through the system Sperm Class Analyzer®, developed by the leading company Microptic (EU).
Semen analysis (Spermogram)
What is Semen analysis?
The quality of the semen in determined by semen analysis, which includes an examination of different characteristics of the ejaculate, like size, color, smell, viscosity, pH. The study identifies the concentration of the sperm cells in the ejaculate, their motility, and morphology. The spermogram also assesses the agglutination and the presence of other cells in the ejaculate. Every parameter of this analysis is determined by the World Health Organization (WHO).
According to the method, there are two types of semen analysis - conventional and computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA).
A lab specialist or biologist perform the traditional analysis of semen. The disadvantage of this method is its subjectivity. Thus the results are directly influenced by the knowledge and the experience of the specialist, performing the test. The subjectivity element is removed with the development of the Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA).
Since 2010 Dr. Shterev Hospital provides Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) through the system Sperm Class Analyzer® (SCA), developed by the leading company Microptic (EU). The system performs quantity and quality analysis if the semen based on the criteria of WHO. The advantages of SCA are related to its higher objectivity, accuracy, and exactitude, as with the fast analysis results. The software also allows analysis with the Kruger strict criteria, examination of biological survival, morphology, DNA fragmentation of the sperm cells. Repetition of the semen analysis and control over its reliability are possible by the photo and video system record.
What is the preparation?
To correct performance of the semen analysis, the patient must comply with these conditions:
- 3 to 5 days of sexual absence before the test
- Avoid antibiotic treatment (2 weeks minimum)
- Avoid alcohol in the days before the analysis
- Good general health (no fever)
- Inform the laboratory specialist if you take some medicine or supplements
- You have to use a sterile container to collect the whole quantity of the ejaculate
Do I need to book an appointment?
The preliminary booking of appointment is mandatory for performing a Semen analysis.
Special fertility tests - contact us
Meet the reproductive specialists from Dr. Shterev Hospital who help every day their patients in the struggle for a baby.
Book your appointment with a reproductive specialist via a phone call to 02 920 0901 or through our digital communication channels - website, Viber, Facebook Messenger.
Video: Medical care for dads
In Dr. Shterev Hospital we care for the reproductive health of the future dads. Because of that, we decided to make an exclusive video about our Andrology Sector, and Seminological Laboratory. There the andrologists, and the biologists implement modern methods and procedures for treating male infertility. Get to know with their work from the interviews with Dr. Juriy Bachvarov, and the biologist Desislava Dyulgerova-Nikolva.
Video: Our biologists and embryologists
Watch the emotional story about the honorable and inspirational profession of the “composers” of joy - the biologists and embryologists in Dr. Shterev Hospital.
Special fertility tests - resume
Dr. Shterev Hospital team has more than 30 years of experience in the field of assisted reproductive techniques. For that period, the specialists managed to help thousands of women and couples to feel the greater joy - the happy laughter of their one baby. More than 10 000 are the children born after different assisted reproductive techniques and modern laboratory methods for infertility treatment, applied by all the gynecologists, embryologists, and biologists in Dr. Shterev Hospital.